BrandTrading – success by new service
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Already more than 20 years ago even brand manufacturers had to register production surpluses. Also the product variety was becoming broader and broader and Relaunches led to partly high storage charges. Our both founders recognised this service potential early and could offer a top solution to famous manufacturers till today. Our national and international network grows constantly – on the customer's side as well as on the supplier's side.

Quick, efficiently, in time and clear:
These qualities form the basis for our trusting business relations to the manufacturers of branded articles. The sensitive traditional distribution channels are neither endangered nor are damaged – even bigger batches or positions without long retention period by retail are handled by us and so we prevent additional warehouse expenses and administrative costs at the manufacturers side.

How to become a Costumer:
Our well-chosen customers take profit from the favorable purchase prices for their new, wide range in goods daily demand. Use the chance now and revalue your range with us as a partner with branded articles and you will mostly be more favorable than the traditional retail trade in your region. Experiences proof that the range optimisation with our articles raises not only the customer's frequency in your shop, but also the inventory turnover.
You can also boost your turnover with wellknown articles and you use the „Power of Brands“ combined with top prices. Our field service team is there only for your requests and offers you an attractive service package: from the stock-taking on site over the individual range recommendation and range consultation up to the action planning for successful trade.

Building bridges:
The distribution of branded articles from production surpluses and Relaunches is a pretty sensitive business. By the many years of experience in trade our service-oriented team always guarantees a quick and trouble-free liquidation of your inquiries.
We are specified to offer alternative distribution channels within our concluded marketing system from the areas of Brand chemist's shop to our suppliers – innovative solutions are our official performance feature.
The available amounts with our proven suppliers can originate from overproductions, design change or new packaging, returned goods or excess production and should not be resold over the traditional outlet markets.